For a Labour Government Elected On A Socialist Programme

Hull and E.Yorks Labour Representation Committee

Campaigning Against NHS Privatisation and TTIP. Anlaby Saturday 28th March Assemble 10.30 outside Sainsbury's in the Square. Supporting LRC member and Labour Ward Candidate, Dermot Rathbone
07717 948146

Why I am Supporting Public Sector Strike Action, By Cllr Dean Kirk

03/07/2014 11:15

Why I will be supporting the strike on the 10th July.

Defending the right to strike matters, even if a specific strike doesn’t seem to have anything to do with your own employment situation. 

It is because of the hard work of labour activists over the years that we enjoy many employment rights we now take for granted. Do you only work 5 days a week? Thank the trade unions!

Despite what propagandists might tell you, this isn’t about greed. It’s not to cause people any unnecessary inconvenience it’s about fighting for what’s right. We won’t let this Government divide the Public Sector from the Private Sector.
 When a strike is called it’s to protect other people, in other roles, in other organisations. Therefore, we stand shoulder to shoulder as one force, and say No, you cannot do this to us. We are people not numbers.

We don’t actually need to make these cuts to save the economy; HM Revenue and Customs estimates that the UK loses approximately £42 billion in unpaid taxes each year. 
The campaign group Tax Justice Network puts the figure as high as £120 billion. Either way, these figures dwarf the millions of pounds that are being forced to save due to budget cuts. Government spending cuts are a political choice, not an inevitability. 
This Government has made more cuts in the last four years than any other, and still has a deficit and borrows more now than we ever have done. 
Their incompetence shows lack of Leadership and any skills of running a Country. 
It should be their contracts terminated not the thousands of people who run this Country behind the scenes, making sure services run and people are protected. 

As a proud member of the Union, I will be out supporting the strike. SOLIDARITY COMRADES

Councillor Dean Kirk (Independent Labour Group, Hull City Council)