For a Labour Government Elected On A Socialist Programme

Hull and E.Yorks Labour Representation Committee

Campaigning Against NHS Privatisation and TTIP. Anlaby Saturday 28th March Assemble 10.30 outside Sainsbury's in the Square. Supporting LRC member and Labour Ward Candidate, Dermot Rathbone
07717 948146

Leon Brittan: Where Does the Truth in Westminster Lie? By Peter Asquith Cowan

06/07/2014 13:28

The recent revelations  concerning  the  ‘disappearance’ of 114 documents, from 621 documents that were  handed by Geoffrey Dickens MP to Leon Brittan (now Lord Brittan) when he was Home Secretary, some years ago, may have been deliberately destroyed; -  documents about ‘allegations’ of paedophile activity within the “Heart of Government” should concern us all. What is more disturbing is the ‘reluctance’ of this Government to initiate a thorough, deep Inquiry, led by the Home Office – which has ‘dragged its feet’ over these allegations that need investigating - but not become  a smoke-screen, hiding the names of those involved and protecting the “Establishment” however embarrassing the findings may be.

           At a time when  ‘revelations’ about sex  abuse and paedophile activity has seen a ‘can of worms’ opened up that has resulted in the trials  and convictions of erstwhile, trusted and revered “celebrities” we are now learning how the “Establishment” seems to have conducted a large scale cover up dating back to the 1980’s. Lord Brittan is now being ‘investigated’ himself by the police. 507 of these documents have been found, but 114 have either been deliberately shredded or secretly destroyed. This is a very disturbing event in politics and it should worry all of us. An “Establishment” cover-up on a grand scale. However, it should not be washed over, it must initiate a deep investigation, but not a “Witch hunt”. We deserve to know the “Truth”.

            Is this the way a true democracy should work? Whosoever’s  names are in those missing documents may be people who wield  ultramontane  powers over our daily lives. They may be people who say one thing and practice another. Hypocrites! Their decisions affect all of us. We should  be able to trust those we elect to Westminster, it appears our “Trust” has been abused, and on many occasions.  It is the solemn duty of the State to expose these people, - whoever they are - not let them hide behind the “Establishment.” Is there any wonder that the electorate are so apathetic about politicians when so much sleaze about phone-hacking, expenses scandals, and the exposure of the antics of Cyril Smith come to light?

           There were many questions asked after the ‘mysterious’ death of  Dr.Kelly – the  weapons expert whose findings concerning weapons of  mass destruction – proved contrary to Tony Blair’s penchant for the much criticised invasion of Iraq in 2003. There are those who say Blair has ‘Blood on his hands’, yet he has been made a highly-salaried, so-called “Peace Ambassador” in the Middle-East. His ‘expertise’, such as it is,  has not led to any peace in  the Middle-East, which  is in  worse state than ever;  so why is Blair still in this ambiguous/meaningless post? He instigated an “Inquiry” into the death (or maybe murder) of Dr.Kelly. The Hutton Enquiry was largely booed, and howled down as a “whitewash” and there are many today who doubt and distrust its findings. So, just where does the “Truth” lie? Can we, the electorate, be any more trusting in a Home Office Inquiry into the missing 114 documents? Will they – or the Serious Crime Squad -  make a thorough, deep investigation, no matter whose heads roll, or will they be bribed and ‘manipulated’ to protect evil, two-faced villains posing as being ‘whiter than white’ whose delinquent activities behind the convenient cover of the Establishment and the various Masonic organisations be allowed to continue unabated?  We deserve and mustdemand to know the “Truth” about these allegations.

           I think ‘heads should roll’ in this one. We already have some idea about the antics of Lord Rennard. We now know about Cyril Smith. No one is above the law and if this “Inquiry” does get under way, which Lord Tebbit,  today said it should, then  we, the people of Great  Britain should be given some security that it will not be a whitewash to protect “The Great and the Good”. It should expose anyone in Parliament or big business for any involvement in perversions and the heinous crime of sex-abuse and paedophilia. There must not be  a ‘law for them’ and a ‘law for us’. The law must discover the “Truth” about the missing 114 files and just what is going on in Westminster. It must be un-biased; but will it be?